Thursday, June 9, 2011


After we finished tracking Wampum, I convinced myself that I would take a break from recording music for awhile, or at least long enough to get Eastern Phoebes in shape for live performances with songs that were already in existence. That record completely enveloped my life, physically, mentally, and socially. I was a digital hermit. I was a stubborn bay scallop--closed to the world. 28 days of talking to myself, doubting myself, blowing off plans. But I got it done in the month I said I would--mission accomplished. It's an effort I'm totally proud of.

So for the next release, whenever that would be, I made several vows:

  • I will not have a deadline
  • I will get my bandmates more involved 
  • I will function as a normal person to combat my reclusive recording nature
I didn't write any songs for a month after the album came out. I tried promoting the release in my free time, to the best of my ability without having an actual band with which to play shows. Promotion is an interesting aspect of the 'music industry,' but it's not for me--I'd rather focus on recording more material even if it means no one hears it. It's more self-satisfying to me.
In mid-April, the songwriting bug bit me, so I fittingly recorded a tune called "I'm Gonna Bite Your Head Off When I'm Done Making Love To You" about the cannibalistic sexual adventures of the female praying mantis. Around the same time, Danny Goodwin, the founder of February Records in Connecticut, got in touch with us about possibly teaming up for a future digital release on his label. I took the writing of that song with his label invitation as a sign, and decided to start work on a new EP immediately.

The name Gypsy Paw was born at five in the morning, shortly after Meg and I moved from our loft apartment to a lakefront cottage the next town over. I was watching a red fox roam around our new backyard just before sunrise, recording its tracks in the mud. I realized that I was like the fox, having just roamed myself, but with girlfriend, pup, and a ton of instruments into a new living situation...recording tracks. I felt like a transient, like a bard, a hermit-turned-hermit crab, ready for a new song shell. 

In the next three weeks before its free release via Bandcamp (June 30th), I will write short anecdotes about the individual songs found on Gypsy Paw, from inspiration to execution. These writings will accompany streaming versions of the songs, to be found on our Soundcloud page as I finish up the mixes. 

I stayed true to all of my vows. This EP is a nomadic tribute to our homemade musical tendencies. We'd like to show you what happens when a song moves around. 


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